Tuesday 13 March 2012

Soul Beach by Kate Harrison

Soul Beach is the first part of a trilogy of books. Therefore there are some loose ends at the end although the book also works in isolation too. It's just you may want to read them all together just to find out what happens to all the characters because the book does draw you in.

The story follows central character 16-year-old Alice Forster. Her older sister, Meggie, was murdered and no-one knows who by. So after her death when Alice gets an email from Meggie she dismisses it as a prank. However it turns out it was her sister that sent it from a paradise full of dead people who died young - Soul Beach. But it turns out it isn't such a paradise after all and it falls upon Alice to help guests get out of that place.

The book turns out to be quite sinister in places, which is what you'd probably expect given it is about life after death. However it was an intriguing read and there is resolution to one part of the storyline. I'll just have to wait now for the other books in the trilogy to be released to see how the rest of the story unfolds I guess.

(I got this book through Amazon Vine. It is listed there here.)

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