Saturday 24 March 2012

Practice & Learn: Maths (Age 5-6) by Richard Parsons

I got this for my 5-year-old who is in Reception Year. Whilst steadily working through it she said it was the sort of stuff she was learning at school which is good as it means the book is focusing on the correct topics for the agegroup it says it is catering for, these topics being:

- Numbers and words
- Counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s
- Ordering numbers
- More or less
- Adding and subtracting
- Pairs of numbers
- Money
- Patterns and ordering
- Measures
- Time
- Shapes

The book has an answers section which can be pulled out of the centre so the answers can be checked. This will be useful for parents to check their child's work, but do take it out before you give the book to your child in case they are tempted to cheat.

This book is similar to other learning tools that are out there such as the website Mathletics. There are differences though - this book cannot be used again once done. That's ok I suppose seeing as you want your child to progress to the next level anyway, but not so ok if you want another child to also do the same exercises. On the other hand this book does have some exercises which are not available on those electronic mathematical games, such as colouring in the correct number of things, which was one of the exercises my daughter liked doing the best.

Overall then: a useful aid to your child's learning, but to be used in conjunction with other teaching. 

(I got this book through Amazon Vine. It is listed on Amazon here.)

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